A young woman who lost her father to cancer is taking on a running challenge in his memory.

Megan Lloyd-Hughes is taking on the Cardiff Half Marathon at the weekend to raise money for Nightingale House Hospice, who cared for her father Jamie.

Jamie sadly passed away at only 44 years of age, and his family have vowed to raise as much money as possible in his memory.

Megan, 24, is following in the footsteps of her uncle Cymon Hughes, Jamie’s brother, who ran the London marathon this year in aid of the hospice.

In 2021 Jamie lost his brave 10-month battle with metastatic malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer which had spread to his lungs, liver, spine and his brain.

Megan, who is running the half marathon with her boyfriend Will, said: “It was my dad’s wish to go to Nightingale House and he spent his last 12 days at the hospice.

“The staff are special people who from the moment we arrived, ensured my dad was comfortable. The nurses and support staff were always so positive and kind treating my dad with dignity and compassion and also made themselves available to listen and offer support to the family throughout the day and night.
“We will forever be grateful to Nightingale House for the care my dad received during his final days and the kindness shown to my dad and my family will never be forgotten.

“This care is only made possible with the support of kind donations and fundraising. For this reason, any donations would be greatly appreciated as this is a charity very close to our hearts.”

Chloe Deacon, Nightingale House Hospice’s Community Engagement Fundraiser, said: “We are so grateful to Megan and her family. This is such an incredible thing to do.

“Jamie was obviously loved by so many. Thank you Meg for all of your efforts to raise funds for Nightingale House.”

The Cardiff Half Marathon takes place on Sunday, 6th October.

To sponsor Megan please visit www.justgiving.com/page/1722267541510