About Us
To provide support services for individuals (and their families) who are diagnosed with a progressive and/or life-limiting illness and living within our catchment area. Support and care will be delivered, where possible, in the location of their choice and within the resources available to Nightingale House Hospice.
Following an assessment of physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs, services will be delivered by a multi-disciplinary team trained and competent to meet the needs of all patients, including those with complex, specialist needs.
To provide excellent, personalised, and compassionate care for those living with a progressive and/or life limiting illness in our community and support for their families and loved ones.
Values apply within every setting, interaction between staff and volunteers, how we treat patients and families, how we engage with partner organisations, supporters, and suppliers. At all times we strive to be compassionate, inclusive, honest, respectful, and proactive.
- Provide physical, emotional, spiritual and social care to the patients and their families in accordance with their needs.
- Provide the highest quality of health care in an appropriate and safe environment using a multi-professional team approach.
- Comply with and where possible to exceed National Standards for Palliative Care and Specialist Palliative Care.
- Develop collaborative working partnerships with Health and Social Care providers within the local health economy.
- Provide specialist care to patients 18 years and over, irrespective of religious beliefs, gender, gender reassignment, age, race, disability or sexual orientation. Hospice care is free at the point of delivery to all patients.
- Promote quality of life and manage symptoms effectively.
- Allow a natural and dignified death in collaboration with a terminally ill patient and his/her family.
- Provide individualised care respecting dignity, privacy, confidentiality and Informed Choice.
- Provide 24-hour in-patient care, valuing patients’ rights to independence.
- Provide an active day unit focussing on the principles of rehabilitation and supportive care.
- Provide appropriate out-patient facilities to support patients in the community including:
- Physiotherapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Medical Out-patient Clinic
- Complementary therapy
- Provide a bereavement service for the family prior to and after the patient’s death and for children up to 18 years of age in the community experiencing bereavement.
- Provide education and training motivating staff (including all volunteers) to achieve an appropriate level of skill and expertise, to enable the provision of the highest standards of care within the hospice and the community.
- Provide appropriate and adequate systems for supporting staff and volunteers.
- Provide a combination of formal and informal advice to a wide range of health professionals via the Nightingale House Hospice 24 hour Advice Line.
- Provide an appropriate level of administration services to support the work of the hospice.
- Maintain an effective and compliant income generation team and strategy for sustainable income.
- Maintain a well-informed Board of Trustees.
View our Statement of Purpose
Nightingale House provides specialist palliative care services, completely free-of-charge, to patients and their families across a wide area stretching from Wrexham, Flintshire and East Denbighshire to Barmouth and the border towns including Oswestry and Whitchurch.

Services include a 12 bed in-patient ward, a 15 patient Day Services Unit, an out-patient clinic, occupational therapy, complementary therapies, physiotherapy including a hydrotherapy pool and an ambulance service. A range of bereavement support services are offered including a specialist service for children and young adults.
Following an assessment of physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs, services will be delivered by a multi-disciplinary team trained and competent to meet the needs of all patients, including those with complex, specialist needs.
The hospice is an independent and voluntary health care provider registered under the ‘Private and Voluntary Health Care (Wales) Regulations 2002’ with Health Care Inspectorate Wales (HIW) to provide hospice care.
As a minimum the hospice is inspected by Health Care Inspectorate Wales twice a year, with at least one announced inspection and one unannounced inspection. Copies of the most recent Health Care Inspectorate Wales inspection reports can be accessed electronically on the Health Care Inspectorate Wales website. If you would like to view a copy of our most recent report please click here or contact the hospice for more information.
The Board of Trustees has overall responsibility of Nightingale House Hospice. The Board ensure stringent governance and a clear strategic direction of patient services and funding strategies. Nightingale House is fortunate to have a committed Board of Trustees that consists of volunteers from a variety of professions with a wide range of skills and experience.
- Mr Christopher Burgoyne (Chair of the Board of Trustees)
- Dr Neil Braid (Vice-Chair and Chair of Finance)
- Mrs Eluned Griffiths
- Mrs Joan Lowe
- Dr Jenny Duguid (Chair of the Clinical Committee)
- Mr Graham Greasley
- His Honour Philip Hughes (Chair of the Human Resources Committee)
- Mrs Alison Brebner (Chair of the Income Generation Committee)
- Mr Robert Cole
- Mr Peter Weston (Chair of the Governance Committee)
- Mr Richard Thomas
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