Light Up A Life
Light up a Life is a heartfelt tradition where families and friends gather to celebrate and honor the memory of someone special.
Each year, over 1,000 people dedicate a light on our Tree of Lights, which stands in the hospice grounds, as a tribute to their loved ones.
These dedications not only offer a meaningful way to remember but also provide vital support for the hospice, enabling us to continue delivering specialised care to patients and their families.
Your support is essential in helping us sustain this compassionate care for the future.
Your dedication
By donating to Nightingale House Hospice, using our leaflet, or online, we will enter your loved one’s name into our Book of Honour, which will be available to view throughout the year at the Hospice.
Even if your loved one was not a patient at our hospice, you are still most welcome to dedicate a light for them and join us at one of our services.

Where is my nearest Light up a Life service?
Nightingale House Hospice holds a number of Light up a Life services for those who live outside Wrexham or can’t attend the Hospice service:
Connahs Quay | Date tbc | St Andrew’s Methodist church | Time tbc |
Bala | Date tbc | Christ Church | Time tbc |
Wrexham | 1st December | Hospice Grounds | 4.30pm |
Mold | 1st December | St Mary the Virgin | 2pm |
Hanmer | Date tbc | St Chad’s Church | Time tbc |
Get In Touch
For more information on Light up a Life please call 01978 316800 or complete and submit the form below: