Why volunteer?

Career Booster
Volunteering helps you create a positive
impression, makes you more innovative, creative and
gives you a range of useful skills.

Learn New Skills
Volunteering helps you improve your teamwork,
leadership, problem-solving and people skills.

Make a Difference
Your actions as a volunteer within the hospice, whether
big or small, will have an impact on someone’s life.

Make Real Connections
Volunteering lets you meet people from all walks of life.
It gives you the chance to form real friendships that can
last a lifetime.

Become a Part of The Community
New to the area, just retired, in between jobs or need a
bit of company and support? – then volunteer for your
local charity Nightingale House Hospice.

Apply now for you volunteer role


We work flexibly with volunteers to fit the times they are available with the needs of the service. All we ask is that volunteers are reliable, committed and dedicated to their role.

You can start in our shops at the age of 16 however, patient facing roles the minimum age to volunteer is 17.

Nightingale House Hospice is committed to the provision of training for volunteers that is ongoing and appropriate throughout the volunteer placement. Every effort is made to ensure that all volunteers are given equal opportunity to access appropriate training and support. New volunteers receive a general induction session on the nature and purpose of Nightingale House Hospice together with details of Fire Safety, Health and Safety and Moving and Handling requirements.

Look at the current advertised vacancies section of our website. You will see a role summary and the commitment required and can also download a more detailed description of the role. Fill our the Apply Now form or contact us for more information.

Shops – we will pass your details directly to the link manager for your chosen shop, they will contact you to arrange an informal chat, if both parties agree, an induction and start date will be arranged.

Hospice – we will contact you again as soon as we have received your references, to arrange an introductory visit and very informal interview to chat about your selected role, or any other roles within the Hospice. We will then carry out the relevant pre-volunteering checks. Once we have successfully completed the pre-volunteering checks, role specific training will be arranged, followed by a start date.

Get In Touch

For more information on Volunteering please call 01978 316800 or complete and submit the form below:

    Please be aware the information you provide within this contact form will be saved on our servers and sent to a shared inbox before being forwarded to the relevant department therefore, please do not include any sensitive information within the form. By ticking this box you are agreeing to us storing your information. Please view our privacy policy for further details.